Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Listen and sign up for the webinar---How to make all the money you want without banks or credit

My guest is a successful author, active real estate
investor, and real estate coach. He's bought and sold
hundreds houses, and his specialty is doing it without
banks and without his own money or personal credit.

Sign up and learn how you can create your own financial
destiny like these students did:

                 My First Deal - $105,000

"Jim Ingersoll's coaching helped me structure creative
financing with a self-directed IRA to fix up and flip a
house, and it really worked....my first deal made me
$105,000, and I can't wait to do this again!"

--Brian Benson

               Joint Venture Profit: $37,728

"Just wanted to let you know we signed a sales contract for
$206,000 this afternoon. That gave us a $37,728 joint
venture profit. We owe a great deal to you.

Jim, your coaching provided me with the direction that we
put into action, resulting in a tremendous success! I am
very fortunate to have made your acquaintance to which I

--Chris Mattingly

              5 "Creative" Real Estate Deals

"I have been working with Jim Ingersoll for 10 months.
During this time, we have made a private loan to an
experienced real estate "flipper," joint ventured to
purchase two rental homes using IRA funds, bought another
rental home, which we are currently renovating and already
have a tenant, and purchased and flipped a house...."

--Barbara and Kevin Thomas

                  Tripled My Rental Count

"Working with Jim Ingersoll's coaching I have been able to
triple my rental count in 3 years." 

--Mathew Starr

Details and register here:

Join us Thursday for a lively discussion on four different
"creative" ways you can invest in real estate without
banks, cash, or credit.

No hype, no pitching - Just a ton of information.

Sign up here:

See you there on Thursday, June 20th at 9:00pm Eastern,
6:00pm Pacific...

J.P. Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online

P.S. After you register, forward this email to someone you
know who NEEDS to change their financial destiny.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013


What is the biggest reason most real estate investors don't
do enough deals?  Simple... they don't make enough offers!

The average real estate investor will make less than 10 offers
before throwing their hands up and saying, "this is too damn
hard!".  It's not that it is too hard... it's that the odds
are against you if you aren't making a ton of offers.

Think of offers as chances.  The more chances you have in the
bucket the more opportunity you have to complete a deal.  If a
raffle drawing has something that you really want... I mean
really want... will you put in as many raffle tickets (chances)
as possible?  You should. If you only put in a few you aren't
giving yourself much of a chance to win.

Same thing goes for making deals.  If you really want to make
a deal you need to give yourself as many opportunities for
making a deal as possible. The more offers... the more chance at
getting an accepted offer.

I have spoken with many successful investors who do 8+ deals
a month.  Guess how many offers they make each and every month?

10?  25?  30?   NOPE... They make an average of 50-75 offers
EVERY MONTH!  They say that if they get a higher conversion rate
than that, they are overpaying for their properties.

So, how do you know how many offers you need to make? Let's work
through a quick example:

You want to do 2 deals a month and have been converting offers
at 3%.  (you'll need to figure out what your conversion rate is.
In the meantime... use between 2 and 4%).  That means that you'll
need to make just under 100 offers to get your 2 deals.  Once
again, this is just an example... so figure out your actual conversion
rate and go with that.

In a future issue we'll go over how to bring in hundreds of leads
each and every month automatically.

So... if you haven't been completing as many deals as you want,
GO OUT AND MAKE MORE OFFERS! If you don't put your line in the
water... you can't catch a fish.