Friday, July 19, 2013


The increases in judicial foreclosure auctions demonstrate that these delayed foreclosure cases are now being moved more quickly through to foreclosure completion,” said Daren Blomquist, vice president at RealtyTrac. “Given the rising home prices in most of these markets, it is an opportune time for lenders to dispose of these distressed properties, either at the foreclosure auction to a third-party buyer, or by repossessing the property at the auction and subsequently selling it as a bank-owned home.”

Did you read that?


" is an opportune time for lenders to dispose of these distressed properties, either at the foreclosure auction to a third-party buyer, or by repossessing the property at the auction and subsequently selling it as a bank-owned home..."

Yeah folks, "subsequently selling it as a bank-owned home" that's called an REO.  BOOM


There's a reason you're on my list.

I announced this to you last week after simply "reading between the lines" of what I was reading and what was being reported.

How did I know?

Because after 12 years successfully flipping houses, I know this business well...

And that's why you should invest in my REO System RIGHT NOW.  Wait and you'll miss it.

Now go flip a house,

Rob Swanson

p.s. Dozen's of email requests on Monday and Tuesday of this week results in reopening a few slots in this system.  Today it closes for good.


Best Selling* REO System HOT SUMMER SUPERSALE at 94% OFF.

You'll be happy to know that a 34% jump in foreclosure auctions and REO was just reported (KEEP READING -- article below) but you've only got this ONE FINAL SHOT to jump in on the *Best Selling* REO System HOT SUMMER SUPERSALE at 94% OFF...


YEP there it is...

Less than 1 week after I initially told you about the REO increase, the report with PROOF hits main stream showing a 34% jump in foreclosure auctions.


"While foreclosure activity dropped, foreclosure auctions in judicial states jumped 34 percent in June compared to a year ago."

This "Template" gets private money for YOU (watch this!)

Buy For Sale By Owners and properties for Lease

When you see a For Sale by Owner sign are you hesitant in which way to approach the owner?
Are you confident with your own phraseology to be able to work through the deal?
Does the fact that there aren't any Realtor's involved throw you off?
Our upcoming webinar on Wednesday, July 24 at 8 PM Central time on "The Best Ways to Work with For Sale By Owners" will help you cut through all the fog.
With our help you'll discover how smart investors work with For Sale By Owners and properties for lease... so you can close more deals.
You'll discover the most Profitable 'Phrases' we know when speaking with For Sale By Owners that will make you more money.
You'll learn how to perfect your follow up system that will save you tons of hours.
We can share with you our most profitable ads to generate more business than you've ever had before...and so much more!
This is going to be a lot of important information that you'll be able to use immediately so you won't want to miss it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How we get our real estate offers accepted

Clearly the most successful program I've ever created, I officially launched my Joint Venture Partner program September 2011. Since then I've been in close contact with several types of *potential* JV partners:

* Those who were ready to start doing deals with me

* Those who want to get started, but are held back for some reason

* Those who thought it seemed just too good to be true, or would not work for them

Of those that see the great benefits of my JV program, some have NOT enrolled usually due to one of the following 4 reasons (which I now have a solution for):

1) Lack of Start-up Capital

They do not have the money needed to commit until they close their first deal -- where all the upfront costs are reimbursed and refunded -- and can then be reinvested to capture even more profits and upfront cash.

2) Fear

They lack confidence that the JV program will deliver as described or, do not have the courage yet to begin generating leads, talking with sellers and buying houses -- even with all the one-on-one support, incredible tools and JV partner resources from me.

3) Lack of knowledge

They're unclear exactly how the program works, how they'll be working with me, what's clearly required on their part, and perhaps even wonder if they can really dedicate the 5 to 10 hours a week necessary to get actively involved

4) Uncertainty

They are confused on how the profit targets are achieved during the current real estate market climate, and how we are capturing average profits now well above the original $63,000 goal per deal.

[If you are not familiar with my JV Partnership program visit for free downloads and videos]

Here's my new solution:

To help overcome the reasons that may be holding you back, I've created a new opportunity for you to get involved which will get you started right away on a limited basis so you can begin building your confidence, expand your knowledge and even close deals on your own until you're ready to enroll as an active JV partner.

With this new level of support (where you can consult with me directly every week) you're not required to commit to the monthly coaching and postcard marketing fees that are required once you become an active Joint Venture Partner. Instead you'll be getting ready and learning:

* How we create winning marketing plans
* How we structure great offers
* How we get our offers accepted
* How we occupy properties fast, and
* How we achieve our profit goals

This new opportunity is the best option I could put together for those who are looking to close deals on their own but also know the value and benefit of having comprehensive training resources and support behind you.

This will take the mystery out of the JV program, boost your confidence and prepare you to start closing your deals even faster when you're eventually ready to actively partner with me.

To learn more, join me on my next webinar this week. Choose the time and date that works best for you:

FAST CASH and a way to find HOT NEW LEADS

We were all drawn to real estate
investing for the same reason ...

It took me a while to find my footing
hell, I jacked around so long I was
ready to quit because all I was doing
was chasing the same leads as
everyone else!  Until ...

Watch this short video to find out ...
how a phone call changed my
entire way of doing BUSINESS.

There is one type of real estate deal
that thrives when the market is down,
when the housing market refuses to
rebound and when the economy

Watch this short video NOW.

If you are looking for some FAST
CASH and a way to find HOT NEW
LEADS every single day from the
comfort of your own home...

Watch this short video ...

By the time you are done you will
be fishing in a pond no one else
knows about.  There is virtually
NO competition or sales involved
in doing deals with MASSIVELY
MOTIVATED sellers.

YOUR Success and nothing less,

P.S. Wouldn't it be nice if the crappy
economy played in your favor for

P.P.S.  Can you image getting houses
for fifty cents on the dollar with out any
bidding frenzies????

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No More Limits - What will you decide?

When I first got started I was so excited to make my first big check in real estate.  Here is a secret that I don't talk about very often.  I was also extremely scared I would fail.  
However, I was more scared that the pain of regret would far outweigh any kind of failure I could experience trying to achieve ultimate freedom.
I want to tell you about another student of mine named Michael who decided to break through his fears to achive freedom. When Michele first contacted me he was broke, he had no real estate experience, and he was living out of his car.  
He called me and told me wanted to buy one of my training courses but had very little money, and was scared to invest in his education.  
I told Michele that if she wanted it bad enough, if he wanted to succeed more then anything in the world, that he could find a way to come up with the money.  I gave Michael zero excuses.   I never thought I would her from Michael again.
Two weeks later, I got a letter in the mail from Michael with a check inside.  Inside the envelope was a letter.  It said…"Todd, I will make this work…No excuses". I remember my assistant specially wrapping this package from Michael as most orders happen online. I don't know why, but I took the note and I put it on my desk against a picture frame.  
A short time thereafter Michele calls my office and he tells me he just did his first Lease Option deal and make 5K.  He told me that he would be using the money to find an apartment to live while he built up his cash flow.  Over the next few months, I would get calls and emails from Michael telling me about the next deal. 5K, 8K, 7K, they kept rolling in as Michael expanded his knowledge and worked smarter.  I even remember him trading a deal for a car at one point.
My point is that fear can hold us all back.  It almost held Michael back and if he didn't get past them he might still be living in his car.  If you want to live a life without limits, you must take massive action and get past your fears.  Needless to say, Michael is sure not living in his car anymore.
I still have that note on my desk and everytime I have a fear or a doubt about myself or business, I glance over at that note that says "no excuses"
I want to encourage you that your dreams are not only possible, but also completely within your control.  
What will you decide? 
In my next email, I'm going to give you an 18 week mini-plan on how to escape the rat race. You will also hear stories of more people who have made it happen for them. I know you can make it happen for you too.

The Pipeline to Real Estate Investing

All these people are your pipeline to real estate deals. All these people make things happen

Mortgage brokers

This is a great 2 line email to send to your pipeline.

 Good morning:

I am just checking in with you to see if you have any deals you
are selling or anything in the pipeline I need to know about.

By the end of the day you should  had all the  off market deals flooding your inbox.
These are deals that only your eyes will see and you have first site to go out and look
at them before they hit the market. 

Always touch basics with your pipeline.  It can be daily, weekly, or monthly you just need to
touch base with them all the time.

MEntor Reichard Roop

Who is William Bronchick? "Entity Structuring: How to Bulletproof Your Assets"

You can generate a ton of cash now, cash flow and cash later creatively buying real estate but you can only spend and enjoy what you keep. Learn how to protect the wealth you build tonight.
I get questions all the time from my members about land trusts, entity structuring and asset protection. So this month I wrangled up my long-time buddy and attorney William Bronchick to share with me his wisdom, insights and insider secrets on these subjects. He is certainly one of the top experts in this area. I've been using his techniques, strategies and paperwork for over 13 years (on over 500 real estate deals) and it has benefited me many times when the unexpected happens... which does happen now and then. 
Who is William Bronchick? Well here are some related articles and videos that will help introduce you to him:
"7 Reasons to Use Land Trusts " --
"Get That Property Out of Your Name!" --"LLC vs Land Trusts" --
(Note: His site links above load slow for me, but they do load)
Sorry for the last minute notice but I wanted to make sure all my paid members were able to secure one of the limited spots before I opened it up my eLetter subscribers. 
The replay will only be available to my active Inner Circle members and above. Get access to this replay plus my vast member library of real estate investing audios, videos, articles and tools by checking out your membership options and benefits at:
Or download the Roop Coaching Comparison Chart at: