Friday, December 4, 2009

Selling real estate properties tax-free.

1. Laugh & Save. Tonight’s entertaining presentation you will
have fun while you are learning how to save a lot of money.
NO boring mumbo-jumbo!

2. Paying little or no taxes makes you wealthier faster. Saving
taxes increases your cash flow, increases your equity which
combined dramatically & quickly amasses your family wealth!

3. Audit-Proof your taxes against the IRS. The discussion will
be backed up by dynamic strategies with tax law cites which
are money-saving profit centers that give you POWER against
the IRS. Uncover “hidden” IRS weaknesses so you can lower
your audit risk by 400% (or more) and keep the IRS out of your

4. Save by avoiding the 80+% of bad tax advisors. Who charge
high fees only to give inaccurate costly advice, cause IRS problems
and sway you in the wrong direction about your finances, costing
you big time!

5. Create enormous deductions with no cash outlay, yet create
cash flow in your pocket. With the “Componentizing” depreciation
system we'll be sharing, you’ll substantially increase your cash flow
by thousands every year.

6. Benefit from these huge deductions without IRS limits. How
to deduct paper losses against your other ordinary income even
if you work full time or your income is over $150,000. Avoid AMT
and reduce your AGI down so low that not only can you still make
a lot of money, yet still legally pay little or no taxes, every year.

7. Avoid being a dealer! Totally bypass the costly tax consequences
of being a dealer us ing powerful proven strategies that save you ten’s
of thousands!

8. Accumulate massive equity by selling properties tax-free.
Discover how to legally sell your properties without paying taxes
for big tax-free profits you can use to invest for more wealth.

9. Use the right entities to save thousands. Find out why most
“Entity Structuring” info you’re getting is costing you big time. We
will teach you entity structuring the right way! Use only 2 LLC’s to
protect any number of properties!!

10. DON’T MISS IT! Attending tonight’s presentation will forever
change the way you think about taxes because you will learn
money-saving gems that you never heard of that will maximize
your wealth, year in and year out!!!

1 comment: said...

would like to learn more since I must have missed this episode-any recordings or chance of a future update/repeat?