What if you knew all the major private hard money lender
programs in the U.S.?
How much time could you save if you knew which lenders were
lending in your real estate investing area?
How much money could you save if you could compare private
hard money lenders rates and fees?
How many more deals could you do if you knew the lender
programs so well that you knew exactly what types of properties
to look for?
How much faster could you close if you could focus on the
lenders who offer funding within a week, or even within
72, 48, or 24 hours of receiving a complete loan package?
How many more deals could you get into your pipeline if you
could be making offers that were accompanied by proof of funds
letters from legitimate private hard money lenders?
Could you do BOTH residential and commercial deals if you
could submit your loan packages to lenders who are willing
to loan based on the value of the "hard asset" RATHER than
your credit-rating, personal income, tax returns, or assets?
These are a few of the REASONS so many investors and
loan brokers use the 2011 Private Money Lenders Source
for funding sources for their deals. (Yes, many loan brokers
rely on the funding sources of the 2011 Private Money Lenders
Source to service their investor client's needs.)
The 2011 Private Money Lenders Source offers what no
other source offers. Because the lender programs for the
300 top private hard money lenders are DETAILED for you,
you have all the advantages to DEAL DIRECT with the
private hard money lenders who have loaned-BILLIONS
of dollars to real estate investors for both residential
and commercial real estate, nationally, regionally,
and locally.
It just makes sense.
Once you know the funding sources and the lender programs
it is so much easier to get MORE deals done.
Private investors, real estate agents and brokers, and
mortgage brokers in both residential and commercial real estate
use the 2011 Private Money Lenders Source to put deals
Both beginner investors and experienced investors
use the 2011 Private Money Lenders Source because
it is tailored to meet their needs and easy to use.
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