Monday, July 30, 2012

A Properly Structured LLC Should

Have Great Money-Saving Benefits, but most are Worthless? Did You Know that?

A Properly Structured LLC Should...

  • Protect your personal assets
  • Prevent legal disputes saving you lawyer fees and stress
  • Save you substantial amounts of taxes
  • Defend you against nasty IRS attacks
  • Enable you to successfully operate your real estate business.

But Most do NOT!

Most...Do not shield you from legal actions, causing your personal assets to be totally exposed (when they should). It is complete documentation with ironclad untwistable language which provide you the protection from personal liability.

Most...Do not save you in taxes (when they should). Having certain Tax Provisions in the operating agreement can generate for you, yearly tax savings you didn't even know about.

Most...Do not defend you against IRS (when they should). IRS auditors typically examine LLC legal documents to see if they support tax strategies. If they don't, you are out A LOT OF MONEY!

Most...Do not prevent legal disputes with partners or others (when they should).  Having the proper language would do this and save you from costly lawsuits.

Most...Do not give you important operating guidelines for successfully running your business (when then should).  LLC documents (esp. the operating agreement) should also be your roadmap to help you implement a profitable real estate business.

In short, most LLC's simply do not give you the significant dollar-saving benefits that a well designed & documented LLC should give you!

The SOLUTION...My upcoming training webinar this week!

1 comment:

Ahkenaten Kor said...

Where do I find this seminar?