Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2014, with Q&A Friday @ 12:00 PM Eastern

It's a New Year and now's the traditional time for 
New Year's resolutions that "This year is going to 
be different" or "This is the year that I'm going 
to do it." 

I hate to rain on your parade and enthusiasm but 
I have a question for you... 

If you didn't achieve last year's goals, what's 
going to be different about this year? 

The fact of the matter is that 95% never achieve 
their goals.  It's fun to set goals but very few 
know how to achieve them. 

Because here's the harsh reality that they don't 
teach us in school or the seminars. 

Goal Setting is Different than Goal Achieving 

And I'm hosting a webinar to explain the secret 
to how to manifest your wildest dreams: 
How to Achieve Your Goals in 2014, with Q&A 
Friday @ 12:00 PM Eastern 

BUT goal achieving is NOT about working harder! 

So why should you expect this year to be any 
different than last year - if you are doing the 
same things as last year? 

It won't be - unless you are willing to make 
some very small but subtle changes in your daily 
routines and habits. 

So I'm hosting this free live webinar so I can 
share photos of the exact tools and techniques I 

Claim your seat now: 
How to Achieve Your Goals in 2014, with Q&A 
Friday @ 12:00 PM Eastern 

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