Saturday, December 5, 2015

Marketing for Real Estate using Postcards

The Very  First thing you need is a postcard Template

1. This template should be   approved by your postal service.

You can go online and search for  free downloads of these templates so you will not have to worry too much.  Choose the right sized postcard templates in the right file format that will serve your purpose. 

2. Get your postcard picture - The next step in creating your postcard is getting the postcard picture. To make things a little easier, you should focus on getting just one concept picture and not a multitude of ideas. 

Make sure the photo has great resolution.  Large  images work better. Especially 300pi or higher. Images at 300 dpi or higher is recommended.

3. Create your  marketing message - The next step   is writing your message

When creating a the  message for the postcard, you should keep it short.  Your message will be relateable to your image and it tells people they need what you  have to offer.

You should put your message on the back of the card as well.write a more detailed marketing message on the back of the card.  This tells just a little more about what you have to offer. This message  should get people to understand what your marketing offers and what your postcards is all about. 

4. Next  You should create a digital draft of your postcard - Now, with your template, image and marketing message ready, the next stage is creating your digital draft. Just load up your postcard template in the appropriate design software application and then insert your image. Adjust and enhance your image first before you finally add in your marketing message. Make sure that your text content�s font style and font color blend well with the image of your postcard draft. 

5. Enhancing your design - With all the important content elements set, you should then start enhancing the design. You can add blending effects to your text, such as shadows, glows, and strokes, while your images can be applied with texture filters, color correction filters etc. Try to do all the finishing touches that you like so that you can complete the postcard design properly. 

6. Testing and revising your design - Once your main draft is done, it is important that you get the opinion of others and test your designs. Sometimes, it is not enough for us to judge our designs alone. You will need feedback so that you can improve and refine your layout for better impact. So ask your colleagues, friends and anyone who is near you to see what else you can do to improve your design. Revise your designs according to their feedback and you should be done. 

7. Printing your postcards - Finally, with the final draft complete, you should then print your color postcards. It is best to let a professional postcard printing company do this. Now, if you want your postcards done in just one day, you should go online and hire an online postcard printer to do it for you. Many of these online printers offer overnight printing services that will have your postcard orders done and delivered to you in just one day. This is perfect if you need to rush your marketing postcards for a certain marketing opportunity. So just go online and start ordering your prints. 

So that is how you can make commercial marketing postcards in just one day. It is very easy once you have the right speedy process setup. 

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