Saturday, January 23, 2010

Composite Index Ratio

The official composite housing affordability ratio has held at or above historic high's throughout 2009 ranging from a "low" of 155 to a high of just under 179. Remember, the index score of 100 means the average median household income exactly equals the median cost of the average home mortgage. In comparison, during the early 1980's the affordability index fell below 70 and remained negative for seven consecutive years.Bottom line - housing is more affordable than ever! Not only are interest rates near historic lows but the purchasing power of the median household income is stronger than ever. To purchase the average priced home, a family needs to make roughly $45,000 to $50,000...leaving ample discretionary income to cover other expenses or set aside funds for savings and retirement.

Low Price

The median price for an existing single family home has continued to decline from $221,000 in 2006 to just under $175,000 at the end of 2009. Combined with low interest rates, the median family income is still able to purchase more home than ever according to the housing affordability index.

Interest Rates

By now everyone has become familiar with the up/down volatility of interest rates. Much to everyone's surprise, interest rates have managed to remain at or near historic lows despite the massive print/borrow campaign initiated by the federal government. By the end of 2008, interest rates averaged just 6.15...the fourth lowest annual average since 1973.

Median Family Income

According to the federal government, median family income actually rose in 2008 to just over $62,000; up from $61,335 during 2007. While not a substantial increase, it goes farther than ever when combined with lower interest rates and reduced sales prices.

Housing Affordability - Good News for Real Estate

Finally there is some good news for real estate. Contrary to what you hear on the popular media, all isn't as bleak as it initially appears - in fact, there is some downright good news when it comes to housing affordability. Let's take a few minutes to explore the current status of income, mortgage and interest rates to discover the silver lining brought about by the current recession.

Monday, January 18, 2010

a multi-millionaire

At this time, Phill is only accepting a limited number of partnersnationwide and he’s doing it on a first-come, first-served basis. But
he will be teaching all of his investing strategies that have made him amulti-millionaire in just 7 years to EVERYONE who gets on thetraining call Thursday night.If you’d like to partner with him and get paid BIG money with Philland his team doing most of the work (in addition to learning abouthis 12 very unique investing strategies you can use to do almostANY deal), register for the training call below….Sign-up to learn 12 different investing strategies and to partner with
Phill on deals in your areaI assure you… the will be the most important, informative andworthwhile call you have ever been on. No matter if you are a new or seasoned investor, the informationPhill will share with you on the call tomorrow night can changeyour life and bank account, forever!All the best,

Get Rich SLOW” plan

8. How to become an “equity partner” with property owners who don’twant to sell for what you’re willing to offer and still make$10,000 to $25,0000 or more on these deals. This under the radarstrategy lets you practically steal deals from other investorsright under their noses -- and the sellers will LOVE you for it! Almost all sellers love this strategy once it’s presented to them-- but you probably don’t even know it exists! You will after thistraining call!9. A really fun way to acquire a house by using another house! It’s called “house swapping” and you’ll learn how to be theultimate transaction engineer with this unusual, but highlyeffective strategy. Phill will show you a house swap deal herecently completed and made $55,500! You’re gonna love this one!10. Phill’s “Get Rich SLOW” plan… Why “buy and hold” needs to be apart of your investing strategy for real wealth in the long run. Do deals today that profit you over $100,000 a few years down theline while you are still enjoying $20,000 per month of passiveincome (after just 8 years or so of implementing his “Get RichSlow” plan). This is the plan Phill has personally used tocurrently OWN over 10 Million dollars worth of residentialinvestment properties… with over 60% of it being owned free andclear… providing him with a fantastic monthly cash flow! And hedid this in just 7 years!!!11. How to do “OWNER FINANCING” deals (which are really HOT rightnow because of the tight lending environment)… WITHOUT using any ofyour own money! In fact, YOU KEEP 100% of the down payment moneywhich can be 5% to 20% (or as much as you can get) of the home’svalue! Plus you receive $100 to $500 per month of positive cashflow from each of these deals! These owner financing deals areperfect for the current market we’re in!12. How you can partner with Phill on deals you come across…including short sale deals -- no huge time commitments, negotiatingwith banks, dealing with paperwork. Phill has done over 1,000 shortsales and his expert team will do all the work for you… he willeven fund the deals for you! You just send him your deals. Phillis so good at short sales that HE is the preferred NATIONAL vendorfor Keller Williams nationwide (the 2nd largest residential realestate firm in the country, behind ReMax). Keller Williams sendstheir short sale deals to Phill to be processed!13. The top investor mistakes that have cost the experts MILLIONSin lost income. Learn from the mishaps, failures, trials anderrors of other investors so you don’t make these same mistakes.14. If you’ve never done a deal in your life, then you’ll hear whypartnering with Phill will be an excellent LEARNING EXPERIENCE for
you… because you will be working side-by-side and DOING DEALS
WITH one of the top real estate investors in the country!15. You will learn about his unusual and proprietary “30 uniqueways to find deals”… so you can forward these deals to Phill and partner
with him.16. You will NOT find an easier way to get paid on deals. When youpartner with Phill, you can easily have a full-time job at the time. (However,
once you split a deal or two with him, you may want to quit your job… just
as many of his students have done!)17. You NEVER have to leave your home to do this. If you partnerwith Phill (which is optional), all the “work” is done by phone andemail!18. Phill will partner with you on pretty much any deal you send tohim, even short sale deals. He will even fund these deals for you! You just collect some information about the deal and forward thatto his office with one click of your mouse!19. PROOF! On the training call, we will show you copies of recentchecks (with dates!) that Phill received on from his most recentdeals totaling $227,925.03… and ALL of these checks are from theLAST TWO MONTHS… not 2, 3 or 4 years ago!20. How to make a fortune by referring some of the leads you get toRealtors… where they do all the work and you get paid! Phill gotpaid on 40 of these “Realtor referral deals” in 2009! In a nutshell, on this call you will learn about...>> 30 new ways to find deals in your area!>> How to process and automate all the leads you get!>> 12 different, specific investing strategies you can use to dopractically ANY deal you come across!>> How you can partner with Phill on your deals… where he willeven fund these deals for you… and you split the profits 50/50!

Maininvesting Methods

In addition to being able to partner with Phill, on this call hewill teach you his 12 different strategies for doing deals in yourarea that include… wraps… house swaps… options… auctions… shortsales (he’s done over 1,000)… wholesaling… buy/hold… equity splits…mortgage assignments… owner financing (without using your money)…and a couple more. He will teach you how he does each of the deals above… and he willalso partner with you on any of these deals if that’s what you wantto do.Here’s what else Phill and I will be covering on the call Thursdaynight…1. How to sell “un-sellable” houses to “un-loanable” buyers andstill make an average of $10,000 on every deal… without putting upany of your own money at all. This is a little-known strategy iscalled “Mortgage Assignment”. It’s one of Phill’s favoriteinvesting strategies because you can quickly and easily earn$10,000 or more on each of these deals WITHOUT putting up one redcent of your own money!2. How Phill makes ALL his offers by phone… and how you can too! He’ll tell you about his “magic” pre-screening tool that calculatesexactly what you should offer on a property right over the phone…in just 10 minutes flat! You’ll hear about his proprietary methodsthat pull all the information you need to ever know about a sellerand the property -- that even builds stronger rapport with thesellers and makes you look like an expert. It took Phill 5 yearsto perfect this phone script that he will share with you on thecall.3. The single most important factor for success in real estateinvesting -- marketing. Phil has perfected a “marketing machine”that consists of 30… count ‘em -- 30 ways for you to find deals! Half of these 30 techniques can be implemented immediately at nocost whatsoever. Others do cost some money to get going, but theypay off very well! Overall, Phill earns $4 for every $1 he spendson marketing. (If you knew you’d earn $4 for every $1 you investedin marketing, how many dollars would you invest and how fast wouldyou do it?? Phill will cover this in detail on the call.) 4. How to automate and process all the leads you will get… andQUICKLY turn them into deals! 5. Many more details about his 12 specific and unique ways to doANY deal… in ANY situation… in ANY market so you never miss anopportunity to profit. Most investors rely on one or two maininvesting methods and are forced to pass up prime deals that don’tfit their mold. You’ll discover 12 strategies covering EVERY DEALthat comes your way. Phill even shows you case studies of hisstrategies. (Keep in mind, these are the 12 strategies Phill usesto get paid on a deal every 39½ hours on average.) Be prepared totake lots of notes on this call, because Phill is going to cover aLOT of information!6. How to make $5,000 to $60,000 or more on each of these deals.7. How to know which of Phill’s 12 strategies works best for yourdeal, and in your market. He’ll show you his simple, easy-to-usedeal analyzer “tool” that tells you which of the 12 strategies youshould use for each lead you get. Answer a few questions andyou’ll know exactly which of the 12 strategies you should use forthat deal!

VERY NICE monthly cashflow!)

He will be teaching his 12 strategies on a special training callI’m hosting tomorrow night at 9:00 pm Eastern Time. On this call,he will also tell you how you can partner with him.Register for the call here… does NOT matter where you live -- big city or small town --Phill’s 12 strategies can be used to turn almost ANY lead you getinto a deal. Here in the Austin area, Phill’s doing approximately 20 deals eachand every month. In fact, we calculated it and on average he’scompleting a deal every 39.5 hours!!Even the house he lives in is quite an amazing story. It’s a10,000 square foot estate on 2.5 acres in Austin that he acquired 2years ago at a very substantial discount through a short sale. Hecurrently has over 1.5 million dollars of equity in this property!Phill also owns approximately 10-million dollars worth ofresidential investment properties with 60% of it being owned freeand clear! (Providing he and his wife a VERY NICE monthly cashflow!) How would you like to partner with someone who has done over 1,200deals… and is currently doing 20 deals a month… with 12 differentways to get them done… and will even FUND the deals the two of youpartner on??Well you can! All you have to do is get on a very special trainingcall I have lined up with Phill tomorrow night (Thursday) at 9:00pm Eastern Time.

Making over 100K.

1. Barry Adelman -- partnered with Phill and earned over $100K inprofits spanning 5 deals.
2. Stephanie Grahn -- made over $32K her first deal and then wenton to earn over $100K and quit her full-time job. (Her boss, GlennPhillips then hired Phill to teach him!!)
3. Jerrod and Leslie Gossett (newlyweds) -- partnered on 2 dealsin two months… making over 100K.
4. Greg Baker -- made over 31K on his first deal with Phill… andhas done several more.5. Esmeralda Lira -- is currently doing 5-8 “Mortgage Assignment”deals each and every month, making over 50K per month. (Mortgage Assignment is just one of the 12 investing strategiesPhill teaches. It’s working very well in the current environmentwe’re in. He’ll teach you about this strategy on our training calltomorrow night.)6. Debbie Deberry and Marianne DeLeon -- partnered with Phill ontheir first renovation project and made over $15K.7. Dan Flanigan -- partnered on a home sub-to and assigned thecontract to another investor for a quick $5K.8. Marilyn Williams -- earned $56K+ with Phill on multiple deals.9. Rich Seigmund -- made $39K.10. James Ayres/Ron Noe -- earned $55K with Phill.11. Avery Carpenter -- $21K.12. Brenda Houghton -- $38K on a few deals13. Jack Burns/Dan Francis, “The Dads” -- made $283K+ partneringon several deals with Phill.14. mary -- Phill would love to partner with you on adeal… send you a check… and add your name to this list, too!Phill has mastered and perfected (and invented some of) 12different investing strategies that allow you to get paid on ANYdeal you come across… in ANY situation… in ANY market of the UnitedStates!

FUND the deals for you

Take a look at the list below.On it, you’ll see the names of some people who recently partneredon deals with my new partner, Phill. (Just for the fun of it, we
temporarily put your name as #14 on this list... but we'd love to keep
it there.)All total, the people on the list below made over one milliondollars partnering with Phill! Many of these people had ZEROinvesting experience before meeting Phill!Phill is by far THE MOST successful real estate investor I haveever met. Period. Game over. In the last 7 years, Phill has done over 1,200 deals. He uses andteaches 12 different and unique investing strategies to do almostANY deal in ANY situation… and he’s currently doing approximately20 deals a month.As he did for the people he partnered with on the list below, Phillwill do the deals for you… FUND the deals for you… and send you acheck for 50% of the profits!All you have to do is find them (they are all around you!)… andhe’ll even help you do that!Phill will set you up with 30 different, unique techniques thatwill consistently bring deals to you. If you want to partner with Phill, all you have to do is forwardthose deals to him… and he’ll do them… fund them… and pay you 50%of the profits!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Real estate... no other investment has created so many millionaires in America! Unfortunately, too many aspiring investors miss out because they falsely believe you need big-bucks to make money as an investor...NOT TRUE! You don't need any money if you know what you're doing!
NO MONEY DOWN REAL ESTATE INVESTING is not a pipe-dream; it is a real-life technique that many of our members employ yielding GREAT FINANCIAL SUCCESS! Armed with knowledge and some good old-fashioned gumption you could be earning tens of thousands of dollars within your first 60 days!
Hello, I am William Bronchick, an attorney who has dedicated his life to helping Americans grow their wealth through investing in real estate. You have probably heard of me or seen me on television shows, like CNBC. As an active investor and educator, I have personally trained thousands of people all over the country to become financially successful.As you've undoubtedly learned, acquiring investment properties via loans from the traditional channels (i.e. banks) is currently prohibitive, with most lenders requiring at least 30% down! Now, as an investor who believes in using OPM, I've perfected techniques whereby I've acquired many properties without so much as filling out a credit application, or handing over one dime of my own money!
More info -->>>
Are you a beginner with limited funds or limited experience? Think you need to qualify for financing? Think again! Are you tired of buying properties the conventional way, qualifying for loans and renting to deadbeat tenants? Do you want to make cash right now from real estate without waiting for appreciation? Are you looking for NEW ways to profit in today's market? Do you need a game plan to jump-start your real estate business? If you answered "yes," to any of these questions, this seminar is for you!
Some of our most successful students started off on a shoestring. I showed them how to invest in very high quality real estate even if they had very little money or poor credit. What you do need is desire, education, and a team of true experts backing you up.
Are you looking to get out of the grind and enjoy life? Take some time off to perfect your golf swing? Spend more time with your kids or grandchildren? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to spend a weekend learning how to achieve financial freedom.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Short Sale Riches

After Dec. 31, Treasury would need the consent of Congress to make such changes, so it's no surprise it moved a week before its authority to change the terms of its agreements with the companies was set to expire. So far, the government has pumped $60 billion into Fannie Mae and $51 billion into Freddie Mac. The new terms announced yesterday would allow the cap on Treasury's support to increaseby the amount of the total net loss the firms experience over the next three years, beginning on Jan. 1. The cap in place atthe end of 2012 would apply thereafter. Of course, as we reported yesterday, the changes come come as Fannie's and Freddie's regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, onThursday approved multimillion pay packages for the firms'top executives. The pay announcement and the sweeping increasein the government's commitment to backstop the companies arecertain to stoke anger from the companies' critics on CapitolHill. "The Obama administration's decision to write a blankcheck with taxpayer dollars for the continued bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is appalling," said Rep. Scott Garrett (R., N.J.). He argued the timing of the announcement,on Christmas Eve, was "designed to try and sneak the bailoutby the taxpayers."USD in 2010Most currency market analysts expect the U.S. currency to build on its 5-percent December bounce, as traders continue to factor in a stonger U.S. economy and an inevitable Fed tighening. Beyond that, however, a lot depends on just how poorly things go for other major currencies, such as the euro, pound and yen. "The dollar is very low; it has to move up," says economist Robert Brusca, chief economist with FAO Economics. In general, analysts expect the dollar to remainweak against the currencies of commodities-driven economiessuch as Canada, Australia and Brazil, while making gains against those of Japan, Britain and the European Union. Atthe same time, after a multi-year bear market that took thedollar to record lows against the euro and parity with the Swiss Franc and Canadian Dollar, analysts say the worst is definitely over. "There's been a sea change in sentiment," says Boris Schlossberg, of GFT Forex. "The whole thesis beganto change when [Novermber] payrolls came out," he explains, referring to the Dec. 4 government report showing that the economy shed just 11,000 jobs, the least in almost two years. "Fundamental factors will be more favorable for the dollar next year," adds Vassili Serebriakov, a currency strategist at Wells Fargo, which is among the most bullish on the U.S. -- Foreclosures in 2010According to a new study from the research team at Credit Suisse, the second half of 2010 will be a time of stabilization or a “renewed leg down” in housing, and it all depends on how aggressively the industry can rein in the swell of foreclosures. “We estimate that roughly 3.2 millionforeclosures must be prevented in 2010 for home prices to stabilize or potentially tick up,” the institution’s analystswrote in their report. The researchers called the feat an “uphill challenge,” with a very narrow path for success carvedout by government programs. The administration has promised that its federal modification program will help three to fourmillion homeowners avoid foreclosure, but those projectionscover a four-year span – from 2009 to 2012. And as it standsnow, the program is way behind schedule. As of the end of November, only 31,382 at-risk homeowners had been given permanent loan restructurings. Credit Suisse called the performance statistics of the administration’s Home AffordableModification Program (HAMP) “quite disappointing” but noted thatincreased government focus on raising conversion rates couldlead to an improvement in short-term results.This year not as bad as last for retailersMost retailers won't report their December sales results until next month, but early forecasts indicate things could be (as CNN puts it) "less awful than last year." The NationalRetail Federation (NRF) expects 2009 holiday sales in thosetwo months to decline 1%. That would still be an improvementfrom a 3.4% drop for the same period a year ago. Scott Hoyt,senior director of consumer economics for Moody's,is forecasting that stores had "slightly better" holiday sales this year versus last year. "Fundamentally, things were a lot better for consumers," he said. "Last year everyonepanicked after the financial crisis. No one was sure how bad things would get. Although weakness still persists, such as 10% unemployment, the state of panic is gone." If 2009 marks a "transition year" for consumer spending, the hope is that 2010 becomes the year of recovery for consumers and retailers, said Michael Niemira, chief economist with the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). "Between the holiday season not being disastrous, more people buying for themselves on top of gifts, and retailers not offering crazy sales, I think these are good indicators for 2010," said Marshal Cohen, chief retail analyst with research firm NPD Group. *************************************************
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Buy Houses

Some investors think if they just put up more "We Buy Houses" signs, or call more FSBO's (for sale by owner classified ads), they'll make more money. Problem is, there are only so many hours in the day, right? There's a saying "The less I work, the more I make." Well, if that sounds good to you, then you absolutely have to attend our free training session tonight at 8:30 PM ET, 5:30 PM PST. "These marketing systems are amazing!", says Brian Paul, from Petaluma CA. You have to excuse Brian's enthusiasm, he made a quick 34 grand off the same marketing systems we'll be talking about on the call.This is a "win win" deal for you! The webinar is fr*ee, and you'll get to hear secrets for having a full-time day job (if you want one), and still making full-time money in real estate, in your spare time. Remember, this webinar is FR*EE. Just show up for the call 5-10 minutes early to secure your spot and I'll see you there!Click Here To Register Now: you at the top!Chris McLaughlinAttorney at Law & Real Estate Broker
P.S. One more thing: Pre-foreclosures are at an all-time high right now, so we're also going to cover how to 'totally' dominate your local pre-foreclosure market using the power of the internet.

Full-time real estate investor

wanted to take a few minutes to introduce you to my new businesspartner. His name is Phill Grove, and I am very happy to beworking with him… and will soon be sharing his 12 differentinvestment strategies with you.(You can read Phill’s impressive bio at the bottom of this email.)Phill became a full-time real estate investor in 2003.Since that time, he has done over 1,100 short sale deals forhimself and his student partners! He has also bought, sold and/orrenovated over 100 foreclosure projects!What makes Phill such a unique real estate investor is the factthat he uses (and teaches) 12 different strategies for buying andselling real estate that includes wraps, swaps, options, auctions,short sales, wholesaling, buy/hold, equity splits, mortgageassignments and 3 more.He is currently closing on approximately 20 deals each and everymonth like clockwork. Some of these are deals he works on with hisstudent-partners.Even the house he lives in is quite an amazing story. It’s a10,000 square foot estate on 2.5 acres in Austin that he acquired 2years ago through a short sale. (He currently has over 1.5 milliondollars of equity in this property!)Phill also owns over 10-million dollars worth of residentialinvestment properties with 60% of it being owned free and clear!(Providing he and his wife a VERY NICE cash flow!) Phill is married and he and his wife, Shenoah, recently had theirfirst child, a son named Zilker.You can watch a couple of brief videos at the link below wherePhill will discuss two of his most recent deals… how he found them,sold them, etc. He’ll even show you the checks he received fromthose deals.You can watch the videos here…http://www.MichaelAndPhill.comThe best always,MichaelP.S. Next week, I will be hosting a free training call with Phillwhere he discusses, “12 Different Ways For Investors To Buy AndSell Real Estate.”This very popular 90-minute tele-class will walk you throughexamples and case studies of the 12 different investor strategiesPhill uses to buy and sell real estate ranging from wraps, swaps,options, auctions, to shorts, buy/hold, equity splits, mortgageassignment, and 4 more.New investors walk away amazed and energized after they see all thedifferent opportunities and methods that exist for making money inreal estate. Seasoned investors, familiar with some of thesestrategies, also learn many additional valuable money-making tricks.Be on the lookout next week for information about this trainingcall.

I wanted to become wealthy

Many people ask me what was it that caused the drasticchange in my life when I broke fre'e from the rat race andbecame a wealthy investor. They ask me when it happened, howit happened and why it happened. I believe everything happens for a reason. For me that defining moment happened when I decided to takea leap of faith and leave my dry cleaning job to pursue realestate investing. I saw an infomercial on TV that waspromoting a fre'e real estate investing seminar and I went toit. At the seminar, they were offering a 5 five day bootcamp for$5000 that covered the entire business step by step. I knewthat was what I needed to get started. I had to make thedecision to walk out of that room and go back to my JOB(just over broke) or to take a leap of faith and put thatseminar on a credit card with money that I didn’t have. I did go to that bootcamp and that’s how it happened. So why did it happen? It happened because I made the decision to take my financialfuture in my own hands. I was sick and tired of livingpaycheck to paycheck while my boss was getting rich. I knewif I wanted to become wealthy, I had to own my own realestate business. Now I’m not saying you need to quit your job and go “FullThrottle.” That decision is up to you. YOU can decidewhether you want to make $200,000 a year working part timeor $1M+ a year working full time. We all have different values and money isn’t everything.I’ve discovered that time spent with my family is much morevaluable than letting the daily memories pass me by becauseI’m working too hard to experience them. What you should do NOW is make the decision to take yourfinancial future in your hands right NOW. Now is YOUR defining moment. Tonight’s training is the MOSTimportant training you will ever attend. Tonight, I will be revealing to you: • The 5 mistakes investors make in short sales and how youcan easily and quickly avoid them with little effort. • How to maximize your incom*e in 2009 in the worst realestate market that we’ve ever seen. We still have 6 monthsleft in the year and you can make more money this year thanyou EVER have. I am going to show you how Tonight. • The secrets I’ve discovered from the past 6 years ofworking in the trenches on how to work less and make moremoney by implementing several time management tricks. • And much, much more

1,100 short sale deals

Did you get my email yesterday about my new business partner, Phill Grove? I hope you got to watch some of the videos I emailed you of him where he discusses a few of his deals and even shows footage of some very nice checks. It's pretty cool stuff. And you really should be paying attention to this guy! Because... Phill is the most successful real estate investor I have ever met. Period. Game over. And I know a LOT of investors! Since 2003, Phill has done over 1,100 short sale deals for himself and his student-partners! He has also bought, sold, and/or renovated over 100 foreclosure projects! Phill is now teaching his students how to use his unique 12 strategies for closing deals so they are able to close any deal you could imagine. These are 12 strategies that you can use and adapt for ANY deal in today's market. (Awesome videos of Phill and one of his students here:) Next week I'm going to be holding a special training call for a limited group of people who want to learn more about Phill and his 12 unique investing strategies. Phill will teach you how to do it all... everything from wraps, swaps, options, auctions, to shorts, buy/hold, equity splits, mortgage assignment, and 4 more. But right now I want you to go check out anothervideo that he and I just posted about one of his newest students named Stuart. It's quite amazing! Stuart bought 6 houses immediately after his training with Phill's. He definitely hit the ground running! In the video, Phill and Stuart also break down which of Phill's 12 strategies Stuart used and how much money he is making on these deals.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The private liquidations system is almost sold out

The private liquidations system is almost sold out.

This isthe system that finds foreclosure deals for you throughdivorce and bankruptcy public records for FR’EE. It findsthem before the deals ever hit the foreclosure listeliminating your competition because you get the dealsfirst. Stacy has prepared a video for you and you can get it righthere: you get his system today before he’s sold out, you’llget everything below from me. D.C.’s

Most Incredible Bonus Package for Stacy Kellam’sPrivate Liquidations SystemI’m giving you 2 tickets to my VSSI Live Acceleration Event. ($10,000 Value) It’s coming up on at the end of Jan. It’s Jan 28th-31st. This is my $5000 bootcamp that others have paid $5000 toattend. In this live 4 day workshop, we’re going to covereverything you need to know about virtual short saleinvesting that will create a Million dollar a year incomefor you.

There’s no better place to be with successfullike-minded people than this event. This is extremelyimportant for you success in 2010. The event is up on my website right now and its available at$5000 per ticket to get in. On the page, you will see about50 videos of the people that were at my last event and whatthey had to say about it. There were raving reviews for my last event and this one isgoing to be much better because I’ve got some awesomepresentations planned for you. If you want to see thatpage, just email my office and they will get it to you. So you can pay $5,000 to get in or you can get Stacy’sPrivate Liquidations system right now and you can get in forFRE'E and you can bring someone with you for fre'e.Just go to If you already have a ticket or more than one ticket to cometo my VSSI Live Event, that’s fine. You will get 2 moretickets to bring a spouse, family members, assistant, JVpartner, Realtor you are working with or whoever you want.At my last event, we had a bunch of our members bring theirrealtors and JV partners and they got a ton out of it. Nowyou can do the same.When you attend the event, you will get these Bonuses: Bonuses You Get When You Attend the VSSI Live EventI've put together some very special BONUSES for you thatyou will get when you attend the event. I'm doing thisbecause I want you to be extremely successful in thisbusiness so we do more deals together and make more moneytogether.

BONUS #1: I will have my coaches on hand and you will get a30 minute coaching session for them for fre'e live and inperson. They will evaluate your goals and create an actionplan for your success. (Value: $1000)BONUS

#2: When you attend the event, I'm giving you a listof lenders across the country that don't have any seasoningrequirements that you can use for your flips whether they beshort sales, REO's or others. You must attend the event toget this list! (Value : Priceless - This list will make youan additional $200K - $600K in 2010)Bonus

#3: We are also bringing you entertainment. We willhave a live hypnotist show. The show is Awesome. Don't missit!
#4: I've put together a Special Compilation of all ofmy UPDATED Marketing pieces, checklists, Forms, contracts,and everything I use on my office. I've put them on a diskso all you have to do is change my name to your name andthey are ready to go. You will get my Special Edition Diskat the event. (Value: $1000)Bonus

#5: I just updated my Million Dollar Rolodex and acopy of it will be waiting for you when you register onThursday Jan 28th between 7:00 and 8:30 am ET. This has allof my newest FRE'E resources that I use on a daily basis inmy business (Value: $10,000 savings/year)Bonus #6: Expanded VIP Networking Session for ALL attendees.This is where lifelong friends and millionaire partnershipare created.

There’s no better place to be with likemindedpeople than at this event. You will get face time with DCand his coaches in this casual environment. (Value:$1000.00) Total Real World Value: $223,000Go here to get all of this and the system that findsforeclosure deals for you before they ever hit theforeclosure list: an Awesome Weekend,

Private Liquidations.”

The new video I just posted at the link below will teach you allabout a brand new (and virtually unknown) investing niche that’scalled “Private Liquidations.”

The “Private Liquidations” niche was recently invented by a goodfriend of mine who lives here in Austin.His name is Stacy Kellams and he has spent the last 9 monthsperfecting this new and unusual way to make money in real estate…and he’ll tell you all about it in his new video.

As you’ll see when you watch his video, you can get paid on thesedeals really fast… many times, in as little as 24 to 72 hours! Andyou’ll also see why NO cash or credit is needed to make money onthese types of deals.Stacy is consistently earns anywhere from $6,500 to $20,000+ oneach one of these deals!Here’s what else you’ll see on Stacy’s informative video (that’sposted at )…

1. How Stacy uses “Private Liquidations” to cash-in on as many as 5deals a week… with NO risk whatsoever. He gets paid on some ofthese deals within 24 to 72 hours! (On the video, he shows copiesof checks from deals he recently got paid on… so you can see PROOFthat “Private Liquidations” really do work!)

2. Why these high-quality “Private Liquidation” deals are unknownto other investors (almost zero competition) and how most of thesedeals only take 24 to 72 hours to close. (Once you understand howeasy it is to get paid on “Private Liquidation” deals, this will bethe ONLY type of real estate investing you’ll ever want to do.)

3. How to find, contract, and cash in on “Private Liquidations”without any cash. You do NOT need good credit either!4. Why foreclosures, short sales, REOs, and lease options are nolonger working for many investors. (Private Liquidations areworking so much better because there’s NO COMPETITION in thisunknown niche. Only a handful of people even know about this nichebecause Stacy just recently invented it!)

5. Why Stacy’s unique methods work and how you can be one of thevery few savvy investors to tap into the 6,000+ new PrivateLiquidation properties that enter this market EVERY DAY. (Afterwatching this video, you can be ONE of just a small group of“Private Liquidation Investors” in the entire WORLD. And… Stacywill even work with you and help you do deals in this exciting newniche.)

6. How Stacy’s wife found three KILLER DEALS in ONE DAY which leadhim to discover this untapped real estate investing niche.7. The seven-step process to Private Liquidations. As you areabout to see, Private Liquidation Investing is so simple you canmaster the entire process in as little as 14 days.8. How to use “Private Liquidations” to cherry-pick the very bestdeals to wholesale for fast profits… and get paid in as little as24 hours.

9. Exactly what you need to succeed in Private LiquidationInvesting. You don’t need an office, staff, or even a lot of timeto use this brand new method of investing. You just need four orfive basic things to get started.

10. How you can get personal coaching from Stacy himself… he willhelp you with any Private Liquidation deal you do. STACY WILL EVENPARTNER WITH A YOU ON THESE LUCRATIVE DEALS (IF THAT’S WHAT YOUWANT)… AND YOU KEEP 70% OF THE PROFITS!!! Stacy has a personalgoal to do at least one “Private Liquidations” deal in each stateof our county, and by you partnering with him to do deals in yourarea, you will help him reach this goal.

Luxury Home Foreclosures

Before we get started on today’s tip of the day, make sureyou register for tonight’s training call at 9:00 pm ET. Mytop student is revealing tonight how he grossed a profit of$580,275.00 on just 5 deals. We’ll be breaking these dealsdown step-by-step to show you how you can do these dealstoo.

Now is the time to put your plan in place for luxury homesshort sales in 2010. Doing just one luxury deal per monthwith a profit of $100,000 or more will create a $1.2 Millionbusiness for you in 2010.

Right now, there are only 17 seatsleft for tonight’s training.
Get your seat now beforethey’re all gone. Nothing will be sold on tonight’straining. Join me here: entire VSSI community is talking about this boombergarticle on Luxury Home Foreclosures: “Luxury-Home Owners in U.S. Use ‘Short Sales’ as Defaults Rise”Homeowners with mortgages of more than $1 million aredefaulting at almost twice the U.S. rate and some areturning to so-called short sales to unload properties asstock-market losses and pay cuts squeeze wealthy borrowers.Payments on about 12 percent of mortgages exceeding $1million were 90 days or more overdue in September, comparedwith 6.3 percent on loans less than $250,000 and 7.4 percenton all U.S. mortgages, according to data from First AmericanCoreLogic Inc., a Santa Ana, California-based research firm.

The rate for mortgages above $1 million was 4.7 percent ayear earlier.“You are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg withluxury short sales,” said Adrian Heyman, owner of PropertyAdvisors, a real estate broker in Scottsdale, Arizona. “Alot of wealthy people are upside down in their mortgages andthey just can’t afford the second or third vacation homeanymore.”

There are 114,000 home loans of more than $1 million,according to First American. About a quarter of allmortgaged homes in the U.S. have loan balances bigger thantheir current value, known as being upside down orunderwater, the data company said.The entry-level segment of the housing market was aided thisyear by an $8,000 first-time buyers tax credit that pushedresales to a 6.1 million annual pace in October, the highestsince February 2007, the National Association of Realtorssaid in a Nov. 23 report.President Barack Obama signed a bill last month extendingthe program into next year. The new version keeps thefirst-time buyer benefit and makes a smaller creditavailable to some move- up buyers. It can’t be used forhomes priced above $800,000.The Fed purchases haven’t affected the high end of themarket because they exclude so-called jumbo loans.

Mortgagesabove the $729,750 limit set by Congress for the nation’shighest-priced markets cost almost 1 percentage point morethan conforming loans, according to Keith Gumbinger, vicepresident at HSH Associates, a mortgage-data company inPompton Plains, New Jersey. That’s quadruple the historicspread.Losses on luxury short sales will be high.There is huge pent-up demand for short sales or walk awaysat the high end, especially pay option ARMs for which WellsFargo is loaded to the gills.

The banks wake up to find themselves in deep water nowforced to accept 3 times more short sales. After avoiding short sales for years “Banks Take Losses onShort Sales as Foreclosures Soar.” Short sales almosttripled to 40,000 in the first six months of 2009 from thesame period a year earlier. Yet for each short sale, therewere 25 foreclosures started or completed in the first halfof this year, according to data from the Office of ThriftSupervision and the Office of the Comptroller of theCurrency.“It’s really finally dawning on banks that they’re betteroff with a short sale,” said Richard Green, director of theLusk Center for Real Estate at the University of SouthernCalifornia in Los Angeles. “

I think banks were in denial.”Lenders have been reluctant to do such sales because theydidn’t have procedures for employees to approve a financialloss for the company, said Alan White, assistant professorat Valparaiso University School of Law in Valparaiso,Indiana.“A short sale requires somebody to stick their neck out andmake a decision,” said White, an expert in consumer law andbankruptcy. “

There are not good structures in place toincentivize losses.”Bankers also have been slow to sign off on short salesbecause homeowner associations, mortgage insurers andsecond- lien holders may not agree to the terms of the deal,said Michael Frantantoni, vice president of single familyresearch at the Mortgage Bankers Association.Pressure is building to approve short sales as the number ofdelinquent mortgages has grown to 3.2 million and anestimated 7 million foreclosures loom in the next two tothree years, according to Irvine, California-basedRealtyTrac Inc., which compiles and sells U.S. mortgagedelinquency data.

New Treasury Department guidelines for foreclosurealternatives scheduled to take effect in April 2010 willrequire lenders to consider borrowers for a short sale ontheir primary residence 30 days after missing twoconsecutive payments on a modified loan or after theborrower requests a short sale.Here’s

Obama’s Plan for the foreclosure problem. Heobviously needs your help! The Treasury Department would pay up to $1,500 for ahomeowner to relocate, $1,000 to loan servicing companiesthat accept a sale and a maximum of $1,000 to help settle asecond mortgage or subordinate lien. A lender must agree torelease the borrower from all liability for repayment forthe mortgage, under the Treasury plan. “Pick-a-Pay” mortgages have among the highest rates ofnegative equity, because borrowers could select theirmonthly payments, often paying less than the interest, withthe difference added to the principal.

That formula meansthat total loan debt was increasing at a time propertyvalues were falling.Wells Fargo held $87.8 billion of such loans as of Sept. 30,down $7.5 billion from the end of last year.New rules for short sales favor homeowners and short saleinvestors.Note the rule changes in the second article. They are verysignificant.1) Lenders have to consider short sales2) A lender must agree to release the borrower from allliability for repayment for the mortgage.Are you registered for tonight’s training yet? We only have17 seats left. Nothing will be sold on this webinar.

Go here to get one before we are 100% full: to you tonight. Don’t be late. DCPS: After you register, you’ll be sent to a page where youcan ask me a question and I’ll answer it on one of my dailyemails or videos. Just go here to signup for tonight’s training and thewebpage will change automatically after you signup:

Top Trends for 2010Wondering what the new year has in store for short sales?

Top Trends for 2010Wondering what the new year has in store for short sales?

While we don't pretend to have a crystal ball capable of predicting the future, a brisk review of notable experts indicates a higher than average likelihood of the following trends for 2010:
1. Evaporating Home Equity Loans - Already on the endangered list, home equity loans are expected to become nearly extinct during 2010. Only those with the best credit, most favorable home locations and superior credit can expect to be approved for generous home equity loans in the new year.

2. Growing Interest in Personal, Peer2Peer and Other Alternative Lending - Look for creative financing techniques to continue to grow as traditional bankers continue to tighten lending standards. Owner financing, peer to peer loans, hard money lenders and other alternative options to generate cash are expected to grow in popularity during 2010 and beyond.

3. REIT Exodus - If the recently proposed REIT tax bill becomes law, experts expect a rapid exodus from REIT's...a move with dramatic implications across the entire economy as some forms of REIT profits will be taxed as ordinary income rather than Capital Gains.

4. Favorable Interest Rates - Interest rates are expected to remain low for much of 2010 as the economy continues to suffer from a jobless recovery and weak dollar however, perhaps not as low as during 2009.

Experts expect interest rates to approach 6% for a 30 year fixed mortgage by the end of 2010.

5. Increased Incentives - From first time homebuyers to existing mortgage holders, keep an eye out for various state, federal and local programs and tax credits designed to encourage the purchase of property throughout 2010.

6. More Rules - From new RESPA rules to continued clarifications on taxes related to real estate, new rules are expected everywhere.

Short sale investors, bankers, brokers and real estate agents need to keep a close eye on ever changing documentation requirements to stay on the right side of rapid changes.

7.Steady Slowdown & Continued Declines - Don't expect a full recovery during 2010. In fact, even the ever optimistic federal government and central bank warn home prices are still declining and likely to continue their slide into the new year at least in some markets.

Other areas are expected to remain steady. Of course, every cloud has a silver lining - for short sale investors it simply means more buying opportunities.See you at the top!

The Real Estate Investing Quick Start

Before you get lost in all the preps you're doin' foryour New Year's Eve shenanigans, here's some awesome good news!Tim did a call last Tuesday for his elite coaching class and what he discussed was something other gurus will probably charge you your firstborn for. :-)

It's called the Real Estate Investing Quick StartVideo and it's something that'll put rocket fuel inyour investing engine and make it go ZOOOOM!In a nutshell, Tim outlined what you and every otherinvestor out there looking to make 2010 your biggestyear ever need to do - step by step.It's a no-frills, no-nonsense, high-intensity content callthat only Tim's top-paying students have access to.And you'll get it as a bonus for signing up for a DoDeals Premium Membership right now for justONE DOLLAR!I want this now! > course you shouldn't discount everything includedin your Premium Membership:

1. Access to the largest database of motivated sellerleads and qualified buyers

2. Cool and useful real estate investing tools such as our Home Value Estimator (which gives you amazingly accurate value estimates comparable even to the MLS)

3. Access to education and training materials (wegot tons of training and content videos you immediatelyget access to upon signing up - the same contentother sites would charge you an arm, a leg and apair of kidneys for).

Now I dare you to tell me honestly what you think all these is worth.But regardless of the amount you come up with, you can sign up for a Premium Membership right now and have instant access to the Real Estate Investing Quick StartVideo for just ONE DOLLAR!I want this now! > that ought to put a smile on your face while youget on with whatever you got planned for today and tonight.Just don't forget to click any of the links in this email and get your Premium Membership now.
Happy New Year folks! :-)

To happiness!