Monday, January 18, 2010

Maininvesting Methods

In addition to being able to partner with Phill, on this call hewill teach you his 12 different strategies for doing deals in yourarea that include… wraps… house swaps… options… auctions… shortsales (he’s done over 1,000)… wholesaling… buy/hold… equity splits…mortgage assignments… owner financing (without using your money)…and a couple more. He will teach you how he does each of the deals above… and he willalso partner with you on any of these deals if that’s what you wantto do.Here’s what else Phill and I will be covering on the call Thursdaynight…1. How to sell “un-sellable” houses to “un-loanable” buyers andstill make an average of $10,000 on every deal… without putting upany of your own money at all. This is a little-known strategy iscalled “Mortgage Assignment”. It’s one of Phill’s favoriteinvesting strategies because you can quickly and easily earn$10,000 or more on each of these deals WITHOUT putting up one redcent of your own money!2. How Phill makes ALL his offers by phone… and how you can too! He’ll tell you about his “magic” pre-screening tool that calculatesexactly what you should offer on a property right over the phone…in just 10 minutes flat! You’ll hear about his proprietary methodsthat pull all the information you need to ever know about a sellerand the property -- that even builds stronger rapport with thesellers and makes you look like an expert. It took Phill 5 yearsto perfect this phone script that he will share with you on thecall.3. The single most important factor for success in real estateinvesting -- marketing. Phil has perfected a “marketing machine”that consists of 30… count ‘em -- 30 ways for you to find deals! Half of these 30 techniques can be implemented immediately at nocost whatsoever. Others do cost some money to get going, but theypay off very well! Overall, Phill earns $4 for every $1 he spendson marketing. (If you knew you’d earn $4 for every $1 you investedin marketing, how many dollars would you invest and how fast wouldyou do it?? Phill will cover this in detail on the call.) 4. How to automate and process all the leads you will get… andQUICKLY turn them into deals! 5. Many more details about his 12 specific and unique ways to doANY deal… in ANY situation… in ANY market so you never miss anopportunity to profit. Most investors rely on one or two maininvesting methods and are forced to pass up prime deals that don’tfit their mold. You’ll discover 12 strategies covering EVERY DEALthat comes your way. Phill even shows you case studies of hisstrategies. (Keep in mind, these are the 12 strategies Phill usesto get paid on a deal every 39½ hours on average.) Be prepared totake lots of notes on this call, because Phill is going to cover aLOT of information!6. How to make $5,000 to $60,000 or more on each of these deals.7. How to know which of Phill’s 12 strategies works best for yourdeal, and in your market. He’ll show you his simple, easy-to-usedeal analyzer “tool” that tells you which of the 12 strategies youshould use for each lead you get. Answer a few questions andyou’ll know exactly which of the 12 strategies you should use forthat deal!

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