Monday, January 18, 2010

VERY NICE monthly cashflow!)

He will be teaching his 12 strategies on a special training callI’m hosting tomorrow night at 9:00 pm Eastern Time. On this call,he will also tell you how you can partner with him.Register for the call here… does NOT matter where you live -- big city or small town --Phill’s 12 strategies can be used to turn almost ANY lead you getinto a deal. Here in the Austin area, Phill’s doing approximately 20 deals eachand every month. In fact, we calculated it and on average he’scompleting a deal every 39.5 hours!!Even the house he lives in is quite an amazing story. It’s a10,000 square foot estate on 2.5 acres in Austin that he acquired 2years ago at a very substantial discount through a short sale. Hecurrently has over 1.5 million dollars of equity in this property!Phill also owns approximately 10-million dollars worth ofresidential investment properties with 60% of it being owned freeand clear! (Providing he and his wife a VERY NICE monthly cashflow!) How would you like to partner with someone who has done over 1,200deals… and is currently doing 20 deals a month… with 12 differentways to get them done… and will even FUND the deals the two of youpartner on??Well you can! All you have to do is get on a very special trainingcall I have lined up with Phill tomorrow night (Thursday) at 9:00pm Eastern Time.

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