The new video I just posted at the link below will teach you allabout a brand new (and virtually unknown) investing niche that’scalled “Private Liquidations.”
The “Private Liquidations” niche was recently invented by a goodfriend of mine who lives here in Austin.His name is Stacy Kellams and he has spent the last 9 monthsperfecting this new and unusual way to make money in real estate…and he’ll tell you all about it in his new video.
As you’ll see when you watch his video, you can get paid on thesedeals really fast… many times, in as little as 24 to 72 hours! Andyou’ll also see why NO cash or credit is needed to make money onthese types of deals.Stacy is consistently earns anywhere from $6,500 to $20,000+ oneach one of these deals!Here’s what else you’ll see on Stacy’s informative video (that’sposted at )…
1. How Stacy uses “Private Liquidations” to cash-in on as many as 5deals a week… with NO risk whatsoever. He gets paid on some ofthese deals within 24 to 72 hours! (On the video, he shows copiesof checks from deals he recently got paid on… so you can see PROOFthat “Private Liquidations” really do work!)
2. Why these high-quality “Private Liquidation” deals are unknownto other investors (almost zero competition) and how most of thesedeals only take 24 to 72 hours to close. (Once you understand howeasy it is to get paid on “Private Liquidation” deals, this will bethe ONLY type of real estate investing you’ll ever want to do.)
3. How to find, contract, and cash in on “Private Liquidations”without any cash. You do NOT need good credit either!4. Why foreclosures, short sales, REOs, and lease options are nolonger working for many investors. (Private Liquidations areworking so much better because there’s NO COMPETITION in thisunknown niche. Only a handful of people even know about this nichebecause Stacy just recently invented it!)
5. Why Stacy’s unique methods work and how you can be one of thevery few savvy investors to tap into the 6,000+ new PrivateLiquidation properties that enter this market EVERY DAY. (Afterwatching this video, you can be ONE of just a small group of“Private Liquidation Investors” in the entire WORLD. And… Stacywill even work with you and help you do deals in this exciting newniche.)
6. How Stacy’s wife found three KILLER DEALS in ONE DAY which leadhim to discover this untapped real estate investing niche.7. The seven-step process to Private Liquidations. As you areabout to see, Private Liquidation Investing is so simple you canmaster the entire process in as little as 14 days.8. How to use “Private Liquidations” to cherry-pick the very bestdeals to wholesale for fast profits… and get paid in as little as24 hours.
9. Exactly what you need to succeed in Private LiquidationInvesting. You don’t need an office, staff, or even a lot of timeto use this brand new method of investing. You just need four orfive basic things to get started.
10. How you can get personal coaching from Stacy himself… he willhelp you with any Private Liquidation deal you do. STACY WILL EVENPARTNER WITH A YOU ON THESE LUCRATIVE DEALS (IF THAT’S WHAT YOUWANT)… AND YOU KEEP 70% OF THE PROFITS!!! Stacy has a personalgoal to do at least one “Private Liquidations” deal in each stateof our county, and by you partnering with him to do deals in yourarea, you will help him reach this goal.
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