The private liquidations system is almost sold out.
This isthe system that finds foreclosure deals for you throughdivorce and bankruptcy public records for FR’EE. It findsthem before the deals ever hit the foreclosure listeliminating your competition because you get the dealsfirst. Stacy has prepared a video for you and you can get it righthere: you get his system today before he’s sold out, you’llget everything below from me. D.C.’s
Most Incredible Bonus Package for Stacy Kellam’sPrivate Liquidations SystemI’m giving you 2 tickets to my VSSI Live Acceleration Event. ($10,000 Value) It’s coming up on at the end of Jan. It’s Jan 28th-31st. This is my $5000 bootcamp that others have paid $5000 toattend. In this live 4 day workshop, we’re going to covereverything you need to know about virtual short saleinvesting that will create a Million dollar a year incomefor you.
There’s no better place to be with successfullike-minded people than this event. This is extremelyimportant for you success in 2010. The event is up on my website right now and its available at$5000 per ticket to get in. On the page, you will see about50 videos of the people that were at my last event and whatthey had to say about it. There were raving reviews for my last event and this one isgoing to be much better because I’ve got some awesomepresentations planned for you. If you want to see thatpage, just email my office and they will get it to you. So you can pay $5,000 to get in or you can get Stacy’sPrivate Liquidations system right now and you can get in forFRE'E and you can bring someone with you for fre'e.Just go to If you already have a ticket or more than one ticket to cometo my VSSI Live Event, that’s fine. You will get 2 moretickets to bring a spouse, family members, assistant, JVpartner, Realtor you are working with or whoever you want.At my last event, we had a bunch of our members bring theirrealtors and JV partners and they got a ton out of it. Nowyou can do the same.When you attend the event, you will get these Bonuses: Bonuses You Get When You Attend the VSSI Live EventI've put together some very special BONUSES for you thatyou will get when you attend the event. I'm doing thisbecause I want you to be extremely successful in thisbusiness so we do more deals together and make more moneytogether.
BONUS #1: I will have my coaches on hand and you will get a30 minute coaching session for them for fre'e live and inperson. They will evaluate your goals and create an actionplan for your success. (Value: $1000)BONUS
#2: When you attend the event, I'm giving you a listof lenders across the country that don't have any seasoningrequirements that you can use for your flips whether they beshort sales, REO's or others. You must attend the event toget this list! (Value : Priceless - This list will make youan additional $200K - $600K in 2010)Bonus
#3: We are also bringing you entertainment. We willhave a live hypnotist show. The show is Awesome. Don't missit!
#4: I've put together a Special Compilation of all ofmy UPDATED Marketing pieces, checklists, Forms, contracts,and everything I use on my office. I've put them on a diskso all you have to do is change my name to your name andthey are ready to go. You will get my Special Edition Diskat the event. (Value: $1000)Bonus
#5: I just updated my Million Dollar Rolodex and acopy of it will be waiting for you when you register onThursday Jan 28th between 7:00 and 8:30 am ET. This has allof my newest FRE'E resources that I use on a daily basis inmy business (Value: $10,000 savings/year)Bonus #6: Expanded VIP Networking Session for ALL attendees.This is where lifelong friends and millionaire partnershipare created.
There’s no better place to be with likemindedpeople than at this event. You will get face time with DCand his coaches in this casual environment. (Value:$1000.00) Total Real World Value: $223,000Go here to get all of this and the system that findsforeclosure deals for you before they ever hit theforeclosure list: an Awesome Weekend,
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