Monday, July 30, 2012

A Properly Structured LLC Should

Have Great Money-Saving Benefits, but most are Worthless? Did You Know that?

A Properly Structured LLC Should...

  • Protect your personal assets
  • Prevent legal disputes saving you lawyer fees and stress
  • Save you substantial amounts of taxes
  • Defend you against nasty IRS attacks
  • Enable you to successfully operate your real estate business.

But Most do NOT!

Most...Do not shield you from legal actions, causing your personal assets to be totally exposed (when they should). It is complete documentation with ironclad untwistable language which provide you the protection from personal liability.

Most...Do not save you in taxes (when they should). Having certain Tax Provisions in the operating agreement can generate for you, yearly tax savings you didn't even know about.

Most...Do not defend you against IRS (when they should). IRS auditors typically examine LLC legal documents to see if they support tax strategies. If they don't, you are out A LOT OF MONEY!

Most...Do not prevent legal disputes with partners or others (when they should).  Having the proper language would do this and save you from costly lawsuits.

Most...Do not give you important operating guidelines for successfully running your business (when then should).  LLC documents (esp. the operating agreement) should also be your roadmap to help you implement a profitable real estate business.

In short, most LLC's simply do not give you the significant dollar-saving benefits that a well designed & documented LLC should give you!

The SOLUTION...My upcoming training webinar this week!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quick $2k Real Estate

 If you are like most people you need extra cash in
your pocket right now and can't afford to wait months and
months for a deal to close.

Well, the time has come for him to share this really
unique strategy and technique with you.

When he revealed to me what he was doing a couple
of weeks ago I was just amazed that more people
weren't doing this!

There's so much money in it and it's SO easy to do....

-  It requires almost NO money. A $1 can be turned into
   BIG profits quickly.

-  You can make money WITHOUT buying, selling, or
   renting a single property.

-  No one is doing it - there is almost NO competition.

-  You can actually start almost immediately - it only takes
   a few hours of training and you are all set.

-  99% of the work can be done from your computer in just
   a few hours each week (watch TV and make a quick $2k

How you can make money on Real Estate and do not BUY IT!

How you can make money
on properties that you NEVER have to buy, sell, or rent...
doing some basic research on your computer!

Yes... it was that GOOD!

So, I've decided to do it again
for a select few who have asked about this information and
how they can use it to make money right NOW in today's
downward spiral real estate market.

  You CAN learn how make to make
a boatload of cash in the next 30 days without buying a
single house. What he is going to teach you is so simple
and powerful that you don't even need to be a 5th grader
to make money.

Here are just some of the things you will learn:

* Cash-in on real estate without dealing with foreclosures
* How to make money from the debts attached to property
  without buying the house
* Why you must know this one key secret of using options
  to eliminate risk
* How to get paid in 7-10 days
* Never risk more than $1 on any deal

"How To Do a Webinar"

***Fresh Start Trust and Super Trust***

Several years ago I was in Vegas yet again
and a good friend introduced me to Alex.

Alex, he told me, is my crazy Russian real
estate mogul buddy.

And it was true.

Alex is an expert on using private money for
his deals.

But Alex uses private money in a very unusual

So during dinner, Alex regaled us all
with tales of his exploits.

He is really quite modest but the
truth is, he has done a huge number
of deals that most of us would think

And he uses private money, as you can, to buy
foreclosures, short sales, estates, probates,
land, income producing property, and other
real estate deals.

And very few people have done the deals that
Alex has done.

And recently I spoke to Alex and he did
something crazy as usual.

HE has a bunch of the deals here that he'll
walk you through -- click here for those deals

There is a full hour worth of solid real
estate training you can watch on that page
without an email optin - just for showing up.

He'll walk you through multiple real life
case studies on how to make money in this
slow real estate market.

And he has this amazing product.

It's literally an encyclopedia on private
money with Manuals, 8 hours of audio, lead
gen software, lender websites, marketing
materials, etc.

It's the stuff you could certainly use right
now in your real estate business.

It shows you how to get cash to fund your
deals from private individuals in your own
backyard. No fees, no points, no formal
qualifying for loans.

Best part - the private money is available on
a 2-3 days notice!

The reason I wanted to let you know about
it... he was offering this training for a
measly 25 cents on a dollar! (You'll see why
on the page below.)

Unfortunately, I learned about this too late
as he already closed down the page with the

The deal was so good I was compelled to make
it available to you and all of my subscribers
and customers.

... However, since the deal is formally off
the table, here is the ONLY way to get it:

You'll also see the Special deal he offered
to his customers. Please note, you  will NOT
be able to buy from that page, it's closed.

Step 2: Go to this secret page by clicking here

I set it up just for you for 2 next days so
you too can get this deal for yourself, still
at the same special monster discount he was
offering earlier.

I could only get him to agree to let me keep
this link active for the next 2 days. He'll
deactivate it after that.

***Fresh Start Trust and Super Tru

Protect everything you are building up
or have. Works even if you are in
BK, or facing a judgment or litigation.

Now is the time, right now, to protect
what you have and what you are building.

Special value includes the famed Super
Trust. Limited go here

3 Proven Business Models For Making Money…

We're going to teach you the 3 proven business models for making money… #1: How to do these deals yourself (with just a $1). #2: How to outsource the deals for 25% of the profits. #3: How to earn immediate finder’s fees of $2,000 on each

Flip Properties While Traveling The World

Wouldn't you love to flip properties while traveling the world with your spouse and kids? Of course you would which is why I'm gonna train you how to do it next Thursday night via a HARD HITTING, meat-on-the-bone, 100% content call at 9pm EST. I just spent an hour on the phone with a friend of mine, Joe McCall, that just got back from spending two months in Prague, Czech Republic, with his wife and four children and the whole time he was there he was still flipping properties back home in St. Louis. I know that sounds cool, but the point here is that he has control of his time, and THAT is what enables him to pull it off. He's not a slave to his desk, or to a clock, but rather he is a servant to his family. Again, Joe has no product to sell. He's just s friend of mine that is doing me a favor by sharing how he pulled this off. Discover how he harvests 100's of seller leads each day without ever lifting a finger... Discover how he inspects the properties without ever visiting them Discover how he never, ever attends a closing and never even signs closing docs, yet his business keep on profiting Look, I don't care what niche of real estate you're in, or how much money you make....or don't make. MONEY is the "old currency" and it has been replaced with "time"...or better yet, "control of your time". It's about time you learn how to take back control of your time, so you can do what you want to do...whether that's getting your "sexy" back bc you never have time for the gym, becoming a better parent bc you can actually make all of your kid's soccer practices, volunteering at the nursing home...whatever it is!!! OK, I gotta run. I've gotta do a "cat extraction" from my desk as you can see below. She thinks she's my assistant.