Tuesday, February 2, 2010

“owner finance’ deals

Did you know you can do “owner finance’ deals
without using any of your own money whatsoever?

And with these deals, you keep 100% of the down
payment money you receive from your retail buyer.
(Which is usually 10% or more of the home’s value.)

And retail buyers for owner financed homes are
everywhere and VERY easy to find… because
most people can’t buy a home with traditional
financing today, even if they have a nice down
payment and good credit.

Selling houses with owner financing is one of the
safest and easiest investing strategies you can do
today. To get them done does NOT require one
dollar of your money!

On the TODAY'S (Saturday) call at 1pm EST…
this is one of 12 investing strategies you’ll learn

Owner financing deals work great for sellers, too!

Especially sellers who have little or no equity in
their house, and are having trouble selling it. When
you practice this “owner financing” strategy, you’re
able to offer these sellers a much better deal than
what they can get by listing their house with a
Realtor. Sellers love it!

And back to the retail buyers -- who are having a
difficult time getting conventional financing… you’re
able to offer them a much better deal than a bank or
mortgage broker.

Finding buyers and sellers for owner financing deals
is S U P E R – E A S Y. First, they are everywhere…
and second, it’s as easy as placing a free ad on
Craig’s List.

To learn more about how you can start profiting on
owner finance deals in your area, register for one of
the two training calls I’m hosting this weekend….

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