Monday, May 7, 2012

How to buy Bulk Reo

I'm not an expert (at least not yet) on this subject... but my good friend and fellow PMBP faculty member, Susan Lassiter-Lyons, happens to be. The resource that I shared with you yesterday that lets you spy on banks and know exactly what's in their REO inventory came from some of Susan's training I've been studying... ... and you ain't seen nothing yet! If you're interested in learning how to buy, flip, or broker bulk REO deals, I recommend checking out this video that Susan did that walks you through her 6 step process... Here's what you're going to learn: - Where the banks are that have foreclosed properties AND like to deal with individual investors like us - The 3 Most Profitable (and simple) Bulk REO Strategies - my fave can net you $25,000 - $50,000 for a few hours with a computer and telephone - The 7 Step Bulk REO Process Map - The 6 Steps to Getting a Bulk REO Deal - and a bunch more! Watch Susan's 6-Step Bulk REO Video Here:

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