Thursday, March 1, 2012

Can a repair company do better?


It is so classic. FICO repair people
say they'll fix your FICO better than
you can do it yourself.

And they'll charge $1000 or $1500 to
do it.

Find out how you can do this yourself
using the SAME tools they use.

Because you can.

There is no such thing as tricks that
you can't do yourself quite easily.

You just need the know-how.

You fix your FICO by simply sending
some routine letters once a month for

It's frightfully easy.

The bureaus are under legal requirement
to respond within 30 days and often
the creditors are so messed up that
the creditors don't respond.

The bad mark comes off your FICO.

I've got the skinny on how YOU can
do this yourself, without hiring
a company to do it.

If that appeals take a look at my free
mini course on fixing your FICO.

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