Friday, November 13, 2009

Fellow Real Estate Broker..

Fellow Broker..

Last email I sent to you I talked about why
the best tool (or secret) for Commercial
Real Estate Brokerage Success is taking
reps at it – actually DOING it – and getting
your hands dirty – many times actually –
will result in success.

But as you are doing this what are the things
that you need to avoid…

Paralysis. Many of my folks are in this
mode. Constantly analyzing markets and property and not
taking action. I have told many of you about
my experience with MERV. Merv is the guy
that likes to analyzet property and never try to get the business –
he has been a ‘looker’ for 7 years. Always
afraid to commit. Never be a Merv.

Letting Others Influence You. Look,
it is always good to get others opinions but
make sure they are qualified. In other words
if I would have listened to my mother in law
over the years I would still be working at the
prison as a prison guard. Make sure you
do not get too deep into what other are
saying or thinking.

Making Excuses. This is like #1
above but you come up wth a variety of
reasons why you have not taken action
yet. This takes inner exploration and
honesty on your part. Is there a REAL
REASON why you have not taken action
yet and achieved your goals? Be honest with yourself.

Anymore its not enough just to take the
first few steps. That IS admirable – now
you need to take it further and get out
of your comfort zone.

Bottom line is the more of a MESS YOU
MAKE it is true the MORE of A MESS

More Later..

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